Newcomer Ministry

The purpose of this ministry team is to welcome and engage newcomers who are interested in our church community.  We provide newcomers with a process of discernment and support as they make their decision on joining our parish.

With Saint James’ returning to in-person worship in 2021, the opportunity to actively welcome visitors and newcomers became a reality for the first time since the spring of 2020.  Although this ministry was in hibernation for over a year due to COVID, when newcomers began to inquire about membership, we were quickly able to revitalize our team and respond to their requests.  The team held its first 2021 meeting via Zoom in early November with the assistance and involvement of Fr. Ben.

Our goal for this year is for our team to continue to aspire to fulfill the goals in our mission statement:

We are called by God to

  1. invite people to worship with us;
  2. welcome all who visit us;
  3. befriend newcomers considering membership;
  4. connect new members to people, ministries, and the mission of Saint James’.

We invite any parishioner who is interested in growing our congregation to join our team.  We also encourage all parishioners to introduce yourselves to someone you do not recognize when at church.  You may meet a newcomer considering membership and your friendliness may make a difference in that person’s decision.