Trey Austin, Carrie Carter, Ashley Dunham and Dick Rose are candidates to replace the four Vestry members whose terms are expiring.
January 22, 2025
January 22, 2025
Trey Austin, Carrie Carter, Ashley Dunham and Dick Rose are candidates to replace the four Vestry members whose terms are expiring. The Vestry, composed of 12 lay people and the rector, manages the parish’s finances and properties and performs other leadership roles.The election will take place during the Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, Feb. 2 at 9 a.m.
I am a proud father of three who normally attends the 8 a.m. service with my lovely wife, Anne, and our 20-month-old son, John. My two daughters, Caroline and Julia, grew up attending Saint James’ Church, Preschool and the Youth Group. I recently retired after a career in real estate management and will draw on this if elected and when working with the facility planning and budgeting.
I am a third generation parishioner and grew up in the church. I have been involved as a youth, a young father, and now have the time to be a part of the Vestry.
As a child, my greatest experience was performing my acolyte duties as crucifer during a Lenten service with the choir behind me singing “Lift High the Cross.” I gave it my full extension.
As a father, watching my children have an opportunity to grow up and learn in the same church that I did with many of the same families has been a tremendous blessing that I continue to appreciate.
I am proud to be a part of Saint James’ because of the strong sense of church community that exists here and the genuine love and support we offer each other, both within the church walls and out in our greater community.
I would love to see Saint James’ continue to serve its congregation and the community as it always has.
My husband Kevin and I moved to Warrenton 24 years ago. We have three children: Madison, 24, Emma, 22, and Jack, 19. My best days are spent with my family, sharing good food and adventuring. I currently work as a nurse at the Fauquier Free Clinic in Warrenton.
Our family joined Saint James’ 22 years ago after the birth of our second child. We were invited by friends to join them at a Sunday service and we immediately felt at home.
My greatest experience at Saint James’ has been watching my children grow up with the support of the church community. The opportunities for service and connections have helped to shape all of our lives.
I believe that Saint James’ is truly a place where all are welcome, and I would love to see Saint James’ continue to strengthen our church community while fostering opportunities for connection and service.
I grew up in central Kentucky and am a life-long Episcopalian. After graduate school, I moved to Northern Virginia, where I was fortunate to meet my husband, Todd, and find Saint James’ Church. Todd and I have been married for 11 years and have two children, Charlotte and Lucas. We enjoy cooking and travelling.
After leaving my childhood church in Lexington, Kentucky, it was important for me to find a church where I could put down new roots. In 2012, I visited Saint James’ on Ash Wednesday and immediately felt at home. During the service, I learned Father Ben had recently arrived from Louisville, Kentucky. I took this as a good sign. Shortly thereafter, I became a member of the church. During the past decade, Saint James’ Church has been present in all major milestones of my life. Father Ben was gracious in guiding Todd and me through premarital counseling. A Saint James’ angel even sent a purificator to the church in Lexington for our wedding service to make sure we had a piece of our new church for the ceremony. Several years later, Charlotte and Lucas were baptised at Saint James’. As we build our lives here, Todd and I work to ensure Saint James’ is a part of our family’s foundation.
I have had many wonderful experiences at Saint James’: learning to perform altar guild duties from the seasoned and dedicated women in that ministry, getting to know other Saint James’ members, seeing my children welcomed into a caring faith community, and celebrating holy seasons with fanfare (the Mardi Gras party is my favorite). But, my greatest experience so far has been as a volunteer reader at the 8 a.m. services. Participating in the services helps me feel grounded in the scripture and is a very tangible way to support the church community.
I am proud to be a part of Saint James’ Church because I have seen that the church is welcoming, compassionate, and focused on local as well as global ministries. From my first visit in 2012, I have always been greeted and engaged by church members. I see new members and guests welcomed and accepted. Additionally, I am so proud to be part of a church whose members show compassion for others; trying to understand different points of view and empathize with their neighbors. Further, I am proud of Saint James’ collective commitment to a wide variety of ministries. Not only do church members support these ministries, but their long-term support ensures the ministries thrive.
I would love to see Saint James’ Church continue to grow its strong and dedicated membership. Additionally, I would love to see our current members find deeper and more meaningful participation in Saint James’ many ministries. I am finding that increased participation at Saint James’ helps me to deepen my spiritual practice and find meaning and fulfillment. I think this experience would be shared by others and look forward to seeing Saint James’ into the future.
My name is Dick Rose, my wife Kathy and I have lived in Warrenton since 2005 and I found myself a home at Saint James’ back in 2019. Our son, Ben, along with his wife Elizabeth, and two daughters also live in Warrenton and have two granddaughters who attend Saint James’ School. I am a former Peace Corps volunteer, U.S. Army officer and, until my retirement in 1999, had held a variety of senior executive positions in the federal government.
I found Saint James’ just prior to the pandemic while searching for a church that would better meet my idea of what a true Christian church should be. I quickly learned that Saint James’ was not only a welcoming church, but also supported a significant variety of outreach programs as well as a variety of opportunities for spiritual development. I have been able to actively participate in both the Sunday and Tuesday adult formation classes, regularly attend the bishop’s Thursday service and group discussion and am a Café set-up/server team member.
Nothing makes me more proud to be a member of Saint James’ than how welcoming it has been, not only to me, but to anyone and everyone who enters the doors to the church. From welcoming and supporting immigrants from the Middle East, to supporting local food banks, to forming a partnership with First Baptist, Saint James’ has proved to be a positive force within our community and one I am proud to be part of.
I would welcome the opportunity to further my involvement with our church through participation on the Vestry.