A Patriotic Pollinator Garden

From the Green Team: A patriotic pollinator flower garden


July 3, 2024


Flora Duvall


July 3, 2024


Flora Duvall

A pollinator garden offers numerous benefits. It can be calming to sit and observe the pollinating insects and birds meticulously collecting nectar. Important insect populations are also maintained by pollinator gardens.

Over 130 distinct food crops and 90% of flowers on the planet are pollinated by bees. It is more crucial than ever to provide areas where these amazing tiny workers may rest and refuel without the use of pesticides, as our bee and butterfly populations are declining.

Building a pollinator garden doesn't have to be an enormous undertaking. An attractive raised bed garden full of blooming plants can be a great way to enhance your outdoor space. And since many of the top pollinator plants are fast multipliers, containing them makes maintenance so much easier.

With Fourth of July right around the corner, I thought it would be fun to build a patriotic pollinator garden with loads of red, white, and blue flowers that are frequented by pollinators. In fact, blue is a favorite color for bees. Butterflies and Hummingbirds often favor red flowers. Throw in some white accents for depth and contrast, and you will have a wonderful patriotic garden that will bring the pollinators far and wide.

Things to consider when building your pollinator garden:

1. Plant lots of Nectar plants

2. Have a water source

3. Find a sunny location with lots of morning sun

4. Add variety! Try to get flowers that bloom Spring, Summer, and Fall.

5. Think Native! Bees are not native to the US but Butterflies are! They thrive on rich food sources from our native plants

6. Avoid Pesticides. The use of nasty pesticides will harm or kill the pollinators you are trying to attack.

Red Flowers example: Scarlett Beebalm, Scarlet Paintbrush, Red Clover, Cardinal flower, Eastern Red Columbine, Scarlett Catchfly

White Flower examples: Wild Carrot "Queen Anne Lace", white clover, zinnias, white coneflower, white yarrow, white swamp milkweed, white phlox

Blue Flowers examples: Smooth Aster, Great Blue Lobelia, Blue Mist Flower, Chicory, Spiderwort, blue phlox

Happy Fourth of July! Happy Planting!