Courtyard project


September 18, 2024



September 18, 2024


The Flower Guild has been busy arranging flowers for the altar and the church in general. Many of our members have generously shared flowers from their own gardens in our weekly arrangements during the spring and summer months. There are many open dates for memorial and thanksgiving flowers. Look on the bulletin board and sign up to donate flowers for special occasions or in memory of loved ones — it’s a very lovely and personal offering.  

The Garden Guild, an offshoot of the Flower Guild, will in the coming months be looking into the possibility of creating a memorial paved courtyard similar to the illustration above produced by Reed Palmer’s studio. We are also considering installing a water feature or moving the St. Francis statue to a more prominent space. Please let us know of your feelings on the subject.

The Flower Guild always welcomes new members. Please reach out to us at