Green Team Fall Happenings

Read about upcoming happenings from the Green Team


August 16, 2024


Flora Duvall


August 16, 2024


Flora Duvall

Green Team: Fall Happenings

As the days shorten, the mornings start to get that cool, crisp air and the children go back to school, we hope that you take a break from this busy time and get outside to explore God’s Creation.

Our First Annual Celebrate Creation Photo Contest is a way to encourage us to get outside and start exploring. These do not have to be professional pictures; a cell phone camera will be just fine. The only requirement is that the photo captures something

in nature with no human elements. They can be photos of anything you saw this summer to the present. Please submit your 4” x 6” to the box on the Green Team Table by August 24th. There will be prizes for the best photos in each category, however the real prize

is experiencing the beauty and wonder of God’s Creation. Photos will be displayed so that we can share our experiences with each other. Please see the photo contest poster for more information.

Work Days at Baldwin Ridge Christ Chapel

Volunteers have worked over the past year to beautify and regenerate interest in Saint James’ Baldwin Ridge Christ Chapel historical site. We will be installing a Native Plant Raised Bed along the front of the site to serve as a sound barrier and provide privacy.

Work will be broken into two work days. On Saturday, September 21st from 12PM - 5 PM, we will be constructing raised bed along the street side of the property. We need help moving dirt, constructing the beds, hauling rocks to other places on the site. The second work day will be on Saturday, Oct 5th from 12PM-5 PM and we will be planting shrubs, ferns and bareroot seedlings in the newly constructed boxes. No experience is necessary, only a desire to learn how to plant. There will be a sign up sheet in the Parish Hall. Contact Flora or Wesley for more information.

Creation Care Conference

‘To Love and To Heal Creation’ Creation Care Conference will be held at Rosyln Retreat Center in Richmond on September 28th for 10AM – 4:30PM. There will be Keynote Speakers Dr. Faith Harris, Executive Director of VAIPL and Rev. Rachel Field of “An Episcopal

Path to Creation Justice.” Breakout sessions will include topics about Spiritual practices and land management as they relate to Creation Care. Flora will be attending and would love to have at least two other parishioners from Saint James’ attend also. Please

contact Flora if you are interested in going and carpooling.

Discernment Committee for Creation Care Ministry.

The Diocese of Virginia will be providing a discernment elect to help provide guidance for the Creation Care Ministry's future works and policies. Please pray for our team over the next four month for the Holy

Spirit to work with us and in us during this process. If you would like anything to be addressed in these meetings, please send your requests.

Flora Duvall

Wesley Duvall