Mission Trip 2024

The high school youth group travels to Hurley, VA June 17-22 for their annual mission trip.


June 11, 2024



June 11, 2024


Seven of our high school youth and five adult leaders will be traveling to Hurley, Virginia on Monday to serve this Appalachian community in rural Buchanan County through the Hurley Community Development Center.

If you have been a part of Saint James' long enough, you know that our annual mission trip was one of the many beloved traditions put on hold the last several years due to the pandemic. We were delighted to have been able to reinstate this tradition last year and are looking forward to taking another group of students this coming week.

Please pray for Elliott, Lauralee, Libsy, James, Henry, Maggie, Jane, Chris, Ryan, Jen, Margy, and Father Ben as they grow their friendships and faith through service to others.