Pledge Campaign Committee's letter — October 2024


October 16, 2024


Pledge Campaign Committee


October 16, 2024


Pledge Campaign Committee

Dear Saint James’ Family,

As we members of the Annual Pledge Committee reflect on a proper theme for the annual pledge campaign, we are reminded how much the Pledge Campaign and church finances test our faith every year, to the point that we seriously consider, or reconsider, how valuable our service is to the pledge campaign.

Every year that the three of us have worked on the Pledge Campaign, the church’s financial outlook has been somewhat tenuous and the Vestry’s goal for the campaign ambitious. Nonetheless, through the grace of God and the generosity of our parish, the end result has been positive.    

Our role as a “Pledge Committee” feels simply an act of service. That is to say, we are asked to invite and request our Church community to pledge a contribution, for whatever reason that compels each pledging individual. We have no control, plan, or knowledge of what will move people to pledge, how to aptly justify the increase in the pledged amount we are requesting, or how many people will pledge.  We apply the very best limited factual and subjective information we have.  All we really know is the financial target the Vestry gives us, our own experience at Saint James’, our individual sense of the Saint James’ community spirit and activities.  

Thanks to parish generosity and new givers, Saint James’ has exceeded budgeted income and cut expenses to wipe away significant deficits in 2023, and thus far in 2024. In 2025 we seek to close the budgeted gap by increasing existing pledges, fostering new pledges, and encouraging plate givers to give consistently alongside those that pledge. 

Here are the facts:

— Saint James’ starts each budget year from scratch. We don’t have ticket sales, tuition and fees, sponsors, grants, government moneys, etc. that other worthwhile non- profits start with each year. They must only fundraise the difference.  The church is faced with fundraising throughout the entire year, and we use this short period of time to get those commitments that make the upcoming year possible.

— Saint James’ has great energy and momentum. Our ministries have regained strength after the downturn of the COVID years. 

— We have a dynamic and deeply committed staff.  

— Our impact in the community continues to grow. There is a lot to give towards in 2025.  

— Our Vestry has determined a goal of $725K to fund the ministry in 2025.

And here are our requests:

— We encourage those not yet comfortable making a pledge to increase their plate giving from the previous year. Roughly $100K is expected to be given through plate offerings in 2024. Plate giving has played a critical role in closing our deficit. We are hoping plate offerings in 2025 will increase to $110K.  

— We seek 10 new pledges totaling $30,000.

— We ask existing pledgers to give an increase of 6% from their 2024 pledge with an 8% ‘stretch goal’ for those who are able in order to ensure we reach our overall goal.

And so, as members of the Annual Pledge Committee, we proceed with our best efforts to capture our experiences in our pledge request to you.  We do so with the faith that God will provide and will move our Saint James’ community to give generously in gratitude, hope, and mindfulness; gratitude for that which is Saint James’ today, hope for the Saint James’ of the future, and with mindfulness of our heavenly blessings, both in hardship and in joy.

Yours in Christ,

Amber Kiffney, Ross Fuller and Bob Dart