It was a very sad time for Jesus’ disciples after Jesus died on the cross. It seemed like all their work and effort had come to an end.
May 5, 2022
Jennifer Taylor
April 24, 2022
Jennifer Taylor
It was a very sad time for Jesus’ disciples after Jesus died on the cross. It seemed like all their work and effort had come to an end. Then the news of his resurrection came!
Was Jesus really alive again? They had received the news from Mary Magdalene and others that Jesus was alive. They were confused, hesitant and even afraid.
The disciples stayed locked in a room because they were afraid people would come and take them just as they had taken their friend Jesus. All of a sudden, Jesus was there - He said “peace be with you”, He showed them his hands where the nails had been and his side where he had been pierced with a spear.
He was soon gone again.
Thomas, one of the 12 disciples, was not there when this happened,and when the others told him, he did not believe. Thomas said “I will not believe until I can see him as you did.”
After 8 days, Jesus was there again - this time Thomas saw and believed. Jesus said “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.” Just like Thomas, we have not seen or touched Jesus, but through God’s word, the Bible, we can come to know Jesus and believe in him and have our doubts and fears behind us.
Table Talk Questions
Sunday School activities can be found on the google drive: Doubting Thomas