Table Talk: Paying Taxes


October 22, 2023



October 22, 2023


Who do we belong to?

Based on Matthew 22:15-22, today’s lesson asks the question, Whose children are we? Where do we belong, and to who? In this passage Jesus is confronted by religious leaders who are upset they are required to pay tax to the Emperor. Trying to trick Jesus, they ask him if it is right to pay tax in hope Jesus would tell them not to pay. 

Jesus answers them with a question of his own. “Who do you see stamped on this coin?” Jesus pointed out that the money should go back to the people in charge of the government, since it was the emperor’s image on the coin. But Jesus also said, “give to God what is God’s”.

Table Talk Questions

  1. Who do we belong to? 
  2. What do we have that belongs to God?
  3. How can we give back to God?