Table Talk: The Fox and The Hen

Jesus wants to protect us, yet sometimes we don’t realize the lengths He will go to protect us.


April 24, 2022


Jen Taylor


March 10, 2022


Jen Taylor

Jesus wants to protect us, yet sometimes we don’t realize the lengths He will go to protect us. In today’s reading from Luke, Jesus uses an example of a fox and a hen to help us understand His love for us.  Jesus warned the Pharisees to leave and run away because Herod wanted to kill him. Jesus responded not in fear, but in confidence by saying “Go and tell that fox, I will drive out the demons, I will heal people today and tomorrow. And on the third day, I will reach my goal”. Some people didn’t agree with what Jesus was teaching and couldn’t understand why Jesus wanted to offer God’s love and care to everyone. “Jerusalem, Jerusalem!… I have often wanted to gather your people, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you wouldn’t let me.” Jesus worked to build a community of love and cares for us still like a mother hen protects her chicks from foxes like Herod.  


  1. Name someone who loves you unconditionally, just like God loves you.
  2. What did the Pharisees warn Jesus about? How did he respond?
  3. What do we do to help our church become a community of love and Jesus followers?

For more Sunday School activities, visit the Google drive:The Fox and the Hen