Welcome Bene Giglio

Bene Giglio joins the staff at Saint James'


July 9, 2024


Jen Taylor


July 9, 2024


Jen Taylor

We are excited to announce that Bené Giglio, longtime parishioner, soprano in the choir, and former Senior warden, will be joining the church staff in July. The vestry, at their annual retreat, assessed our current congregational needs, and voted to fund a volunteer coordinator in order to grow our volunteer base and enhance our ministries within and beyond our church doors.  

She will work with ministry leaders to clarify their respective ministry needs, raise the profile of their ministry, discover and catalog the gifts and interests within the parish, and connect individuals to ministries in need of their talents.  

Please welcome Bené on board, and if you see her name across your phone or in your inbox, please take the time to respond. She will spend July and August helping us prepare for a robust program year with more opportunities to gather and to serve, and she will need your help. Not only does our parish and community need your deeper commitment and service, but it is critical to deepening our faith. Please consider what gifts you would like to offer, and where you feel drawn to serve and know that Bené will help you make that connection.

Bené, we are grateful to have you on board!

Bene can be reached at bene.giglio@saintjameswarrenton.org