Charter from Diocese: The SJEC Green Team will be reporting to the Virginia Creation Care Task Force on our progress toward becoming NetZero by 2040, our gardening and Eco-Grief initiatives.
Mission, Vision, and Values:
With God’s help, the Green Team is dedicated to educating and mobilizing the congregation, school, and community to care for this fragile earth, our island home.
We envision modeling how to make a small town in America green and net zero by small community groups working together toward some common goals. We will educate, advocate, collaborate, and communicate. We want our efforts to be evocative and inspiring.
Long-term (5-Yr) Goal:
Develop St. James church and school as a catalyst within a community and as a host for mediating climate change at the community level. We will initiate, demonstrate, and publish action items related to this goal.
Short-term (2022-23) Goals:
Search for input and guidance from area places of worship to bridge from our church and school to the long-term goal of serving as a community model. We will begin with First Baptist, Greenwich Presbyterian, United Methodist of Warrenton, the Jewish community that meets at SJES, and including a Muslim community.